onsdag den 15. december 2010

A good Sunday.

My 4th day begun olso quite ealy in the morning when we woke up and having cleanned up we took some breakfast then Solvieg suggested that we go to the north sea so she can show me around. we drove from home and she took some flowers with her which she put on her parent's semitary( grave) i was so amaized to see such a nice grave yard for it really looked so diffrent from what we have in Africa. then afterwards we drove to a gas station for solvieg said that we needed benzin, at the gas station we found her youngest duaghter who she also loves so much , she had come to get benzin for at that moment it was still a little bit cheaper accondingly.
having done that we drove to the North sea where every thing was snow and it really looked so good and nice. at the sea we took some wonderful pictures as i prayed to God that the future should and will be brighter than the snow i was in. having spent about 30 minutes there, we drove home to get some thing to eat and in just a little time we were on the road heading to Thisted were we found this family which was waiting for the time to go to church for it was not yet time for the church to begin since it was the fast Suday of the month.
we talked a little bit with this family and the we drove to the place where you go if you want to go for bowling. we found some of Solvieg's friends with whom we enjoyed the game and i was so happy to sea that i was so good at this game.
having been there for about two hours we drove to girl called Oneler's place were we took a cup of tea as we shared the good new of Jesus amongest our selves and we prayed for oneler. then ´we departed to go to church for i was really ancious to get there for i expected to see a good friend of mine who had just landed in the country just a day before. she couldn't make itfor she was so tired after a long trip i was when i had just come.
we had a good evenning at the church as a nice old mamma showed each part of the church.
afterwards we drove home. for for had had a good day .
Innocent kayiza is my name,
thanks alot for reading this blog.

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